It’s Christmas come early for us this week at Head Held High!
Our presents have arrived ahead of schedule, in the form of our students’ Trinity College of London exam results.
About 230 of our students sat Trinity speech and drama exams in October and November this year, and at the time of writing about 90% of those results have come back to us.
We’re extremely excited and proud to say that not only have all of those students passed their exams - across all of the results we have received so far, but the students have also averaged a Distinction Grade!
Distinction Grade means a score of 85+ out of 100 and is the top grade that any student can gain in Trinity exams.
A huge congratulations goes out to all of our Trinity exam students! Each week we see the enthusiasm, dedication, effort, practice, and enjoyment that you bring to your Head Held High lessons. The satisfaction you must feel from your exam results are a great reward for all the application you’ve put into speech and drama this year!
Congratulations must also go to our fabulous teaching whanau. Whilst we prefer to do our celebrating humbly, it must be said that results like these don’t come without great guidance from teachers.
Last congratulations fall on the shoulders of the parents of our exam students. Consistent practice and dedication at home to practicing exam pieces is required, over several months, to achieve the type of results that your children are attaining. Most often this means considerable cajoling required by you, the parents. Exam results certainly aren’t the ‘be-all-and-end-all’ of speech and drama lessons.
Enjoyment, personal growth, and development of creativity, personality and character are all much more important measures of speech and drama ‘success’.
Nonetheless, Trinity exams are a globally recognised qualification. The satisfaction all of our students get from the work they put into preparing for exams, as well as the results they have achieved, should be celebrated and congratulated.
Students - we are chuffed for you!