The seasons are changing (if the amount of leaves in my gutters are anything to go by). Term 1 is in the rearview mirror, and what a success it was. With over 800 students doing weekly Head Held High lessons, it was a super enjoyable term for all involved - both students and teachers!
As we launch into Term 2, this blog post focuses on what is in our lesson plans for the next 5 weeks. (Edit: for lesson plan content for Weeks 6 - 10 of this term, read here.)
Our bespoke lessons follow a consistent structure, which provides stability and continuity for students. This means they, and you, know what to expect each week!
Our speech and drama lesson plans are all carefully developed in-house, and take into account the age, stage and experience levels of individual students.
Week 1:
Juniors: Speak engagingly about a random object
Intermediate/Seniors: Introduce the 4 speech formats
For Junior students, after getting warmed up with a couple of fun games and activities, the first lesson of this term is all about how to speak engagingly about a random object.
Students will be guided through a process of how to use a simple ordered sentence structure, in order to talk persuasively;
1) Have an opening and closing statement wrapped about a description. E.g. The amazing/simple/useful/interesting object in my hands is a…
2) Describe the object (colours, shape, texture), what it could be used for, where it might have come from, their association with it (have they seen one of these before, used one before, do they like it, dislike it etc)....
3) So now you know about the amazing/simple/useful/interesting object in my hands)...
For Intermediate and Senior students, our teachers will explain in the first 5 weeks of the term they are going to have fun working on public speaking skills. They are going to explore the 4 different speech formats commonly used in school speeches these days; rap, spoken word, prepared speech and flash talk.
Over the first half of this term students will be able to experiment with each of those different formats.
Please note we’re aware public speaking can be anxiety inducing and so the idea is “maximum fun and no stress.” As teachers we will read the room and make sure all your students feel happy and not anxious about their public speaking exercises.