Head Held High holiday programmes are full of fun, learning and creativity for students aged Year 1 to Year 5. The programmes are taught by the same professional, enthusiastic and caring teachers who teach our speech and drama lessons across Auckland during the school terms, and they pack the day with speech and drama games and activities that kids love.
Designed by our founder – Kate Laurence – each day will be as FUN as possible for the children, whether they’re having their first taste of speech and drama or are experienced campaigners with Head Held High.
It’s really important to us that all students feel welcome and comfortable, regardless of their level of previous speech & drama experience or interest.
Our teachers are experts at reading the individual requirements within a group, and the holiday programme games and activities will be delivered in ways that are engaging and challenging to all individuals’ skill levels, simultaneously.

Why choose Head Held High
School Holiday Programmes ?
• Choose to come for 1, 2, 3 or 4 days of the week.
• Designed for Years 1 – 5, so siblings can attend together.
• A quality programme at a price that won’t break the bank.
• Each day is HUGE on fun-factor.
• Sibling discounts available.
• Bring-a-friend discounts available.

All The Details
Of our next holiday programmes...
End of Term 4 • 2023
Monday 18th - Thursday 21st December.
9am – 3pm each day
For students in Year 1 to Year 5
@ Rosemount Rd, Matakana
Open to children from all schools.
* Please note: We are now FULL on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th and no longer accepting enrolments for those days. Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st are still accepting enrolments.
Pricings (per child, GST inc)
1-day = $80
2-days = $150
3-days = $210
4-days = $280
Siblings = 10% discount.
Bring-a-friend = Mention the friend who recommended our holiday programme to you and you’ll both get a 10% discount.
*Sibling discounts and bring-a-friend discounts may not be used in conjunction with each other.

Answers to some questions you may have...
The Emily Campbell ScholarshipsWhat are the Emily Campbell Scholarships? The scholarships are an offering to each of our 17 partner schools, each year. Each school selects one of their students who for financial reasons may not otherwise consider our speech and drama lessons, to participate in a full year of our programme (worth approx. $900), for free. Who was Emily Campbell? The scholarships are named after one of our incredible teachers, who we sadly lost in 2020. Emily was one of the most amazingly talented actors, musicians and teachers you could ever imagine. A woman of many talents; whether as a captivating actor or as a mesmerising violinist, she was destined to become a star in whatever she chose to pursue. She absolutely loved children. And they adored her. Perhaps the only thing that Emily was more natural at than entertaining people, was being a friend to people. One of the most caring, present, empathic and funny friends you could ever hope to have. Naming these scholarships after is our small way to honour Emily every year.
Low Decile School PartnershipsOver the years we have sought out partnerships with lower decile schools, to offer the benefits of speech and drama to children who may not typically be the benefactors of such opportunities. In offering our programmes free of charge to these partner schools, we offer students the chance to build confidence; confidence to communicate in a meaningful way with others, confidence to perform, and confidence to be yourself. These are lessons we want as many NZ children as possible to experience, regardless of socio-economic position. We estimate we the number of children who have benefited from these programmes to be in the hundreds, something we are very proud of.

"My kids came to head Held High's holiday programme for their first time, and were nervous about coming. But once there, they were welcomed warmly and immediately brought into a fun and encouraging space, barely saying goodbye to me! At the end of the day they were fizzing with stories and laughter and smiles, retelling their whole day - they loved it! “
Judy Dale
Reserve your spot
Enrol or enquire using the form below
A really important part of our holiday programme is providing space for each participant to feel comfortable to explore their imaginative and creative abilities.
That just simply doesn’t work if we cram as many participants as possible into the programmes.
For that reason, each day of our holiday programmes is restricted to 24 children.
To avoid disappointment, we recommend that you get in early and quickly to reserve your spots.
Our holiday programmes often sell out, so make sure you’re the early bird with the worm!